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Music Experts Visit 'Spring Bud Dream Chorus' in Hubei

Posting time:2024-06-03 19:36:17

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Music Experts Visit 'Spring Bud Dream Chorus' in Hubei

 April 29, 2023
A group of students with the "Spring Bud Dream Chorus" project give a performance on a farm in Enshi, a prefecture in Central China's Hubei Province. [CCTF]


A group of veteran artists visited Enshi, a prefecture in Central China's Hubei Province, and gave classes to local students of "Spring Bud Dream Chorus" project to help them further improve music literacy on April 26-27. The artists were invited by China Children and Teenagers' Fund (CCTF) and FAW Audi Sales Co., Ltd. 

Members of the expert team included Hai Yan, secretary-general of Chinese Ethnic Minorities Vocal Music Society, Chen Guang, a famous composer, and Yao Kunhong, vice-director of the Research Center of Ancient Chinese Poetry and Music.

"Kids, please close our eyes and feel the music with your heart. How should we interpret such a beautiful song with our emotion?" a teacher asked students in a chorus class.

The students replied that they should sing the song with hope and a sense of happiness.

Students with the "Spring Bud Dream Chorus" project in Enshi, a prefecture of Central China's Hubei Province, receive guidance from the visiting expert team. [CCTF]


Students with the "Spring Bud Dream Chorus" project in Enshi, a prefecture of Central China's Hubei Province, receive guidance from the visiting expert team. [CCTF]


Students with the "Spring Bud Dream Chorus" project in Enshi, a prefecture of Central China's Hubei Province, receive guidance from the visiting expert team. [CCTF]


Under the guidance of the experts, students gave a show of "The Same Song," a popular song in China, in Mandarin and the languages of both Miao and Tujia ethnic minorities.

Noting that music is the second language of mankind and that it has the power to comfort human soul and convey warmth as well as happiness, Teng Yuanxi, a member of the "Spring Bud Dream Chorus" in Enshi said that she is delighted to join the chorus and grow together with her teammates.

So far, the "Spring Bud Dream Chorus" project has set up 12 chorus teams in 10 provincial regions. In March, a group of famous artists founded an artistic guidance committee to help the Spring Bud girls better tap their music talent, receive professional training and develop a fondness for music.

Students with the "Spring Bud Dream Chorus" project in Enshi, a prefecture of Central China's Hubei Province, pose for a group photo with Audi vehicle owners and representatives of CCTF and FAW Audi Sales. [CCTF]


During the classes in Enshi, dozens of Audi vehicle owners donated musical instruments and publications to students.

In the future, the CCTF and FAW Audi Sales will further deepen their cooperation, forge greater strength from car owners, business partners and volunteers toward relevant public welfare projects of the CCTF, and promote the healthy and all-around development of more children.


(Source: CCTF)


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